A blue dot in a sea of red

Why has the health & safety of our society become a partisan issue? What happened to believing in science?

Around here there is a large percentage of people who think the virus is gone now. After all, their dear leader says so. Normally I can go about my world and not have to interact with that type, but this past week has had a few interactions.

Today, I go into the local market to get chicken for dinner from their hot foods. I push in a buggy from outside, about 12 people in the store that I could see, one with a mask. I get to hot foods. The woman behind the deli? Oh, she had a mask, it was protecting her chin. Mouth and nose? Breathing all over things, unfettered. Then she reached into the pan of chicken, no gloves, & dug her fingers into the piece she pulled out to rip it in half to fit it in the bag she was packing for a customer. That’s the point where I “noped the fuck out of there” & drove to KFC where their corporate asses all had on masks & gloves.

It isn’t necessarily due to the virus, that would have disgusted me pre-covid… Aren’t there health department standards?

Every day at work I hear at least one thing that disgusts me. I was told last week by a co-worker that they thought there should be a question on the company’s application for political party. I said that was fine, as I was going to judge companies based on the tv station playing in their lobby.

I’m really getting to the point in my life where I am just fed up with being silent and silenced. I’m trying to find my voice.